Founder of Ukrainian Classical Etoile Ballet
Finnished Ukrainian academy of dance by Serg Lifar
Received a master’s degree in choreography in Kherson National University
Winner of 2nd prize in International competition in Tallin
Master's degree in choreography
Honored artist of Ukraine
Graduated from the Kharkov Choreographic College
Worked in "Art Ballet Budapest"
Honorary award "People's Recognition 2010" in the nomination of an artist
Master's degree in choreography
Awarded "P. Virsky Prize" in the choreography nomination 2007
Founder of Ukrainian Classical Etoile Ballet
Graduated from the Kyiv State Vocational Choreographic College (class of Dynisenko V.A.)
Obtained a master's degree from Kyiv Academy of Labor, Social Relations, and Tourism (qualification: "Management")
Currently pursuing a second master's degree at the State Tax University (Educational program: "Business Psychology")
Worked in National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Ukraine named after T.G. Shevchenko
Ukrainian Armed Forces (rank: senior lieutenant)